God has been reminding me lately that the cure for a bad attitude in ministry is making the choice to be thankful.... SO I thought I'd share a few praises of what God has been up to here in Gulu, and hopefully when I see them all in one place it will encourage me (and you too)!
* I prayed for the sister of one of my boda driver friends named Anna. She had her intestines removed due to wounds inside her stomach and had a colostomy bag (the opening for the bag looked painful). We both felt a lot of heat when I prayed, and I left believing she was healed. A little while later, my boda friend told me that God healed her wounds so they could put her intestines back in! The surgery went well, and she is recovering nicely:)
* A couple weeks ago two ZP visitors from the States preached the gospel message at the army barracks prison in Gulu. There were 32 men who attended and 30 of those got saved that day! The next day 15 of them were released from prison, and later that week several more were released. So virtually all those who were set free spiritually were also set free physically. The visitors saw them on the street giving praise to God for their freedom WOW
* A couple months ago, a short-termer named Matt was able to lead an ex-LRA member to the Lord in our neighborhood. Alexander (pictured right), then came to Gulu Bible Community Church (GBCC) to testify that God saved him, set him free from fear of walking in the light, and even brought forgiveness and reconciliation between him and a family of o
* The presidential elections passed peacefully here in Gulu (only a couple minor issues in Kampala) Thank you Jesus!
* God provided the finances and resources to get the ZP nursery started. We have the giant tent up (pictured right), and the mud floor is almost finished. We have also been blessed to have sturdy wooden, miniature tables and chairs for all the little ones and more toys and learning materials.
* God has given us discernment and direction about which girls to accept into the ZP Girls' Home, so now we have two new girls in the family with more to come in this next month :)
* God has answered my prayer for a mentor, and even exceeded my request by giving me a whole spiritual family! Baba Ron and Mama Joy (as they are affectionately called) are the pastors of the Swahili service at GBCC and have taken me under their wing as one of their spiritual daughters. I have found so much love and acceptance and freedom to be me when I visit their home. It is so healing...
These are just a few... there is so much to be thankful to God for!
So awesome! so,so, so good! We (friends of Matt)read this at our Africa Prayer meeting. Thank You, Jesus!!!
Thank you Brandi and all those involved in the Africa Prayer meeting! God bless you guys:)