Saturday, May 14, 2011

Raca Raca

Long Overdue Greetings from Gulu, Uganda!

I haven't written in two months... so sorry friends! So this post will be a summary of all the changes God has been doing recently... very fast ("raca raca" in swahili)

At the end of March I moved on from Zion Project. I am thankful for the 6 months that I spent with this ministry because I grew a lot, and it was a door to other things that God has for me here in Africa.

So the beginning of April found many changes in my life. I went to a city near the capital called Entebbe and stayed in a friend's home named Martin Lagara (pictured left) for a week, resting and seeking the Lord for the next season. It was really wonderful. Here is the living room of the house I stayed in... almost like America:)

God spoke to me there a lot about how he is making me to become a bold lion like Him (the Lion of Judah) and walk in my authority in Christ, which I am excited about!

When I returned to Gulu, Richard Kakanyero and I started courting!!! He is an amazing man of God and my best friend. I cannot wait for all of you to meet him at our wedding in the future! We have a calling to do ministry together and have been blessed to start it now! Here is a picture of us at my leaving-Zion-Project get together. Isn't he cute? haha

Also, at that same time, I moved into the home of Pastor Peter King and Christine Mwaka (pastors of Revival Worship Center and Richard's spiritual parents) I am thankful for getting to live more like a Ugandan now that I live with Ugandans (it's not always easy though because of cultural differences) They call me daughter, and I am blessed to do life with them, especially our nightly times of worship and prayer:) Here is a picture of me and "Mom" (Christine) at a traditional wedding of one of their church members. The girl in the background is their daughter Nicole, and they also have a 6 month son named Junior. Pastor just returned from being in the States for three months with Invisible Children, so no pics of him yet.

Then in the beginning of April I also started doing full-time ministry with Pastor Ron and Joy with the Congolese at Gulu Bible Community Church. I do a lot of teaching and preaching messages at church and weekly fellowships, but I would like to get more into home visits and one-on-one mentoring and counseling. May God's will be done among these precious people whom He died for! Currently in the discipleship class I co-lead with Pastor Ron, we are teaching on marriage and relationships, because it is the main issue in this culture. Here is a picture of me at one of the fellowships in a part of the city called Cereleno (pronounced "Chair-ay-layno") with Mama Joy sitting next to me. God does miraculous things in all the fellowships but especially in this one such as physical healing and deliverance on a weekly basis. Glory to God!

So that's all for now, but I will be sure to let you know how things are going and tell the stories of life in Africa very soon. Richard and I are in need of finances for the future, so if you feel led to give, you can do so through the paypal button on the right-hand side of this page:)

God's richest blessings on you all!