Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back in the States!

I flew into Chicago on August 5th, and will be leaving September 13th. I thought 5 weeks would be plenty of time to see everyone and speak at various places, but I was wrong! Next time I should come for at least 6 weeks, if not 2 months:P

So far I am three weeks into the trip, and it's going beautifully! I cherished the time I was able to spend with my Mom in Wisconsin. Here's a pic of us sipping on some strawberry margaritas (non-alcoholic) at a fun Mexican restaurant. I also was blessed to go to our family reunion and see family from both sides. Man, do those kids grow up fast!

Then I drove her car (thanks Mom) down to my best friend Laura's house in Waukesha, WI (outside Milwaukee). We had a great time catching up and going to the zoo! Here's us with her friend David who's an actor at the zoo:) Pray for him when you can...

After almost a week there, I stopped by South Bend, IN and taught my friend Jessica's 4th graders Swahili and all about Uganda. We caught up with some college friends at Steak -N- Shake (love u Mary Ann and Becca!) Then Jess and I pampered ourselves with pedicures. Gotta love America for that!

My last leg of extensive travel was down to Evansville, IN, and boy was I tuckered out after all that driving! LOL

I feel like I have been in Evansville for weeks and weeks, but it's only been one. The opportunities that God has opened for me to share about Uganda has been amazing, and it's not over yet! Thanks for your prayers for God to speak to certain people's hearts to become monthly financial supporters. He will provide... He always does:) I am thoroughly enjoying being with family and friends too. I don't want to miss anyone, so if yo're reading this and thinking, "I need to get together with Naomi" don't hesitate to email me at pearl2africa@gmail.com.

Love you all! Next time you hear from me I'll probably be home in Gulu again. Until then... know that if you have Jesus, you are a carrier of the glory of God!