Hey everybody,
Only 6 more days to go until I fly out! My friend Laura drove down from WI to help me pack up all my stuff that I'm not taking with me to Uganda. Stuff that's been hiding in the attic and closets for years. We ended up throwing out about 6 or so bags and donating even more than that! Some things I'm saving for later on, but not a whole lot. In the grand scheme of life, material possessions don't matter anyway.
Now that Laura has gone back home (sniffle sniffle), I've been actually getting down to the business of packing my two suitcases for Uganda. My Mom has been a great motivator for me because without her I probably would have just stared at the mound of clothes and other items and thought "how is all of this ever going to fit?" But so far both suitcases are packed with only one being 5 lbs over the weight limit of 50 lbs. and a few odd and ends to add.
I'm getting really excited about my send off party, which everyone who is in the Evansville area should come to. It's going to be this Sunday (Oct 3rd) from 4-9pm at the Newburgh Community Pool Park (AKA Fortress of Fun for the kids:) ) Feel free to bring a dish to pass and be prepared to have a blast! LOL I rhymed:) Those who are friends with my brother Caleb are also invited to his birthday party at ARC Lanes immediately following my party- two in one night!
I'm not sure if I'll have time to post pics of the send off party or a blog update before I go, but if not, I'll do it after I get settled in Gulu. The grand adventure is about to begin! Pray for a safe flight for me and divine appointments on the way there. See you across the ocean soon:)
Enjoy your last few days state-side!!! Gulu awaits your arrival!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Daneen:)
ReplyDeleteYour God is an amazing God to provide so many friends & so much support. What He has begun He will be faithful to complete it. Sooo excited for you in this new season.