It has been too long since I've updated you all on here... sorry! Still trying to work out all the kinks with using the various technological methods of communication I have LOL. I want to share about the outreaches I've been able to do in the past couple weeks. I hope it encourages your spirit like it has mine.
Two Fridays ago I was able to go out with some of the Remnant women (women who work on the ZP compound and participate in ZP activities but sew and do t-shirt screen printing instead of beading necklaces). It was a wonderful experience! We talked with Sarah (pictured below on the far left) who used to be a Christian but she backslid when the church wouldn't give her food. She went to the village to work, and now she is back with a lot of food that she grew. We led her in a prayer of re-dedication, and she was so happy that we came to visit her. A pastor had visited her previously, so because we were the second people to visit her and share the gospel, she took it as a sign that God was calling her to come back. Praise God! She also committed to quit drinking alcohol, and we prayed for healing from her HIV.

Then during one of the home visits I do during the week for Gulu Bible Community Church (GBCC), I had the immense honor of praying over a little baby boy who was born just 3 days earlier. The family loves the Lord, and they are so precious. God gave me a scripture that went along with a prophecy He gave me for this child concerning the child being a prophet of the Lord all over the world when he gets older. Hallelujah! This was one of my favorite moments so far in Uganda, and I can't exactly tell you why it was so wonderful. Just being able to encourage his parents and confirm the word of God that has already been spoken to them was amazing. Here they are pictured below:

The next houses we went to contained people who were labeled mentally insane, but there was a lot of demonic stuff going on with each of them. Prayed over a young girl who was drooling and unresponsive to us at first, but as we kept praying, I saw a change in her eyes and then she was able to talk and repeat a salvation prayer. Her mother also got saved that day! She wasn't completely healed by the time we left, but she was doing better. Finish the work Lord! Another lady seemed to be possessed by demons because when we prayed for her, she manifested by shaking and throwing herself on the ground. We just took authority and cast them out, and eventually she stood up and was crying because the demons had tormented her but now she is free! All glory goes to God for His incredible touch on these people's lives:)
It blows my mind how God can use me to do such great things for His kingdom while I feel so weak in this season. He keeps reminding me of the scripture where He says, "My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect through your weakness" I am beginning to understand for the first time that this really is true. He can't show Himself strong on my behalf if I don't allow Him to make me weak. He can't receive the glory if I think I am doing it in my own strength. May we always depend completely on our Heavenly Father because we can do NOTHING without Him.
Wow, God is sooooooo good and powerful and able and faithful!!! Thank you for sharing this with us & stepping out in faith.
ReplyDeleteOh and I forgot that I prayed for healing of pain in the stomach of the newborn baby boy, and I found out from the father today that he was healed! He has no more pain because he's not crying at night like he used to do. Praise God