Have you ever been walking along a path and then once you turn a corner, it's going in a totally different direction than you were previously going? That's sometimes what life is like, and currently that is what is happening in my life.
I was headed head-long into marrying Richard and being a missionary in Gulu, Uganda Africa for the rest of my life....
Then the turn in the road came and the Lord showed me "that's not exactly how it's gonna go"
So plans have drastically changed, and what can I do but trust that His ways are higher than my ways? He promised to lead me along the BEST pathway for my life, and I believe He is doing just that!
The wedding has been cancelled and Richard and I are no longer together. Also, I am not staying in Uganda but going back to the US to be with family and heal. This is important for me right now, and know it's right.
I am so thankful, though, that He has given me a different direction to go and I'm not just wandering in some wilderness, off the path altogether. He is calling me to go to the Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM) at IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas City, MO. starting this fall. My sister is there in the music school, and we'll be able to live together, which is so exciting! And lately God is bringing friends (both new and old) that will be there as well :D He is so good.
The school will help me to get more grounded in the Word of God and further equipped for the next mission assignment He has for me, whether it be back in Uganda or in another country. I am still called to missions and this is just a new leg of the journey...
If you feel led to support me financially as I'll be at FSM, you can donate by clicking on the button in the right hand column or send a check to my home church made out to New Day Fellowship at
4977 Vann Rd. Newburgh, IN 47630
God bless you!
Come with me, Naomi Johnson, as the Lord uses us to REACH a broken and needy world with His love. It may be across the ocean, or it may be in our own backyard, but we are called to be Jesus wherever we are. I returned from being a missionary in Uganda in 2012, spent a year in ministry school at the International House of Prayer University, and am now on full-time staff at the House of Prayer Evansville in Indiana, Thanks for reading, praying, and giving... we're partners in the kingdom work!