1. I am on a journey in my relationship with God and in ministry.
2. I recently went on my second safari to Murchison Falls and Paraa with my sister and her friend.
Since the last time I wrote (again it's been too long), God has been growing me in many ways. He is teaching me a lot of patience, which is a frustrating but beneficial process:) It's a moment-by-moment decision to crucify my flesh, and unfortunately sometimes the flesh wins out. But failure, even in small things like our attitudes, is part of the maturing process. If we never fail, then how will we appreciate when we succeed through the grace of God? So I welcome it all because it is molding me into the image of Jesus Christ:) Maybe someday soon I won't be at all bothered when I have to wait for someone for over an hour to show up to a scheduled meeting. lol
I am blessed that the Lord continues to use me in the lives of each of the Congolese people. Recently I have been able to do home visits inside the army barracks, where the environment to Christianity is sometimes hostile. After sharing the Word and praying with a certain soldier's wife without the soldier knowing, he got very angry that we came, but then God softened his heart and he was ok with it. Praise God! Another lady in the barracks was Muslim (which I didn't even know at the time), but after hearing the Word preached and asking me some tough questions about Christianity, she decided to come to church the next Sunday and gave her life to Jesus on that day! Then she testified of it in the Swahili service! I was really touched that God used a simple thing like me sharing scripture and answering her questions to bring her into His family! God is continually pushing me onward on this journey into the hearts of the Congolese people and ultimately, into His heart. Home visits are becoming a daily routine now with Mama Joy and/or Baba. I am learning more Swahili every day and can understand much more than I speak now, since I am around it constantly.
My sister Leah came with her friend Kyle at the end of May and have been ministering with the House of Prayer here in Gulu. God has been using them in amazing ways to raise up leaders and impart truth. I have to say that I have really enjoyed Leah living here with me for 2+ months! What a blessing:) In the picture to the right Leah and I are introducing her to the Swahili congregation while Mama Joy translates
The other "safari" with Leah and Kyle was really fun and adventurous to say the least. The trip was postponed by a day due to a flat tire on the boda (motorcycle) that we drove there. We also hired another boda, so in total four of us drove/rode the 3 hours to Murchison Falls/Paraa. When tourists that we met there found out we came on bodas all the way from Gulu, they were astonished ( I guess it's difficult to do... Leah and I must be more on the wild side than I thought lol)
We had a wonderful day
I believe God allowed all this to happen because He wanted us to witness to the group of people from Gulu that we befriended. And we were able to do just that with many seeds being planted, even in the midst of their drinking and partying. Even our boda driver wasn't saved, so God used it to show him the true love of Christ through us. He's gonna come to Jesus really soon... I know it!
So in the morning, besides the elephant that decided to charge us on the park road, we had a good, safe trip back to Gulu. Thank God I made it back in just enough time to get cleaned up and preach the Sunday morning message at church. Whew!
In a week and a half I will be going on another "safari" to visit everyone in the US! It'll be the first time I've been back since last October, and I'll be in Wisconsin and Indiana for a total of 5 weeks (Aug 5-Sept 13). I'd love to see you if you are in the area! Just let me know and we'll set something up. I'll be speaking at various churches to share what God has been up to in Gulu and in my life in the past 10 months.
Thanks for reading! Many blessings on you!